KRONOS iron salt solutions are ready-to-use precipitants and flocculants
Iron salt solutions are stored in acid-proof tanks that should have a useful volume of at least 20 m3 and comply with the official regulations regarding the storage of water-hazardous substances.
Metering diaphragm pumps are preferably used to withdraw the liquid products from the tank and transport them to the metering point.
Complete metering facilities are supplied in practice, including all suction- and pressure-side fittings and piping.
Notes on unloading of dangerous goods
Various rules and regulations apply when dealing with dangerous goods
Transport by road is governed by the German Ordinance on the Transport of Dangerous Goods by Road, Rail and Inland Waterways (GGVSEB/ADR). Within the GGVSEB, the recipient (e.g. the sewage treatment plant) and the unloader (employees of the sewage treatment plant) have a number of tasks and duties.
This information is intended to outline to you the essential obligations.
Chemical Sludge Conditioning with Iron Salts
Mechanical sewage sludge dewatering presupposes pre-treatment of the sewage sludge. This process is known as conditioning and is performed with inorganic and organic flocculating aids, depending on the process.
Technical Information 3.06 describes the different conditioning agents, processes, mixing techniques and quantities to be added.
Water treatment | Municipal sewage purification | Sludge conditioning
Mechanical sewage sludge dewatering presupposes pre-treatment of the sewage sludge
This process is known as conditioning and is performed with inorganic flocculating aids such as iron salts and organic flocculating aids, depending on the process.